Friday, November 14, 2008

Semi Freddo!!!

The above dessert is one of many names!!! Semi-Freddo, Parfait, Bombe Mouse, frozen souffle. As the good Italian girl I am, I call it Semi-freddo. My Nonna would be so proud! Semi-Freddo means part frozen in Italian and this beautiful dessert is just that. Its a Hazelnut flavored frozen custard that is molded to look like a souffle. I topped it with a dusting of cocoa powder and a chocolate sauce along side. This is a large portion and is ment to be shared! Its a creamy, cold, dramatic dessert that can be made ahead of time for easy plating!!! These are one of my favorites!!! They can be ANY flavors you can think of!

1 comment:

Amandas biggest fan but not in a gay way. said...

permettez-eux de manger le gâteau! Let them eat cake!